The human upper limb muscles are divided into shoulder, arm, forearm and hand muscles.
1. Shoulder muscles
The shoulder muscle is located around the shoulder joint, can move the shoulder joint, and enhance the stability of the shoulder joint, including the deltoid, shoulder spleen inferior, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, teres minor.
2. Brachial muscle
The arm muscles can be divided into anterior (flexor) and posterior (extensor) groups.
The biceps brachialis is located in front of the arm, the muscle abdomen is fusiform, with long and short ends. Function of bending the elbow joint, so that the forearm supination, long head can also help to bend the shoulder joint.
The posterior triceps are located behind the upper arm and have 3 starting heads, namely the long head, the medial head and the lateral head. Function to extend the elbow joint, long head can make the arm back extension and adduction.
3. Forearm muscles
The forearm muscles are located around the burning and ulna bones. There are 19 muscles in total, divided into anterior and posterior groups.
The anterior group is located in the front of the forearm, mainly for wrist flexion, flexion and forearm pronation muscles, so it is called flexor muscle group, a total of 9 muscles, divided into shallow and deep two layers.
The posterior group is located at the back of the forearm, and its main function is to extend the wrist, extend the fingers and pronate the forearm, so it is called the extensor muscle group, a total of 11 muscles, divided into shallow and deep layers arranged.
4. Hand muscles
All are located in the palm of the hand, divided into the lateral group, the middle group and the medial group, the main role for the movement of the fingers.
Meiwo dissection muscle of human upper limb anatomy model shows that: the motor and venous nerves of the superficial and deep layers of the upper limbs can be separated from the deltoid muscle, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, palmtop muscle, flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi brachii, and arpal arpal musculi to show the shape, position, proximity, starting and ending points of the upper limbs muscles. Subclavian artery branch, brachial artery branch, ulnar artery branch, radial artery branch good deep arch, superficial arch, upper limb ulnar nerve, radial nerve distribution, the main venous return of the upper limb, etc.